
We are living in an age of surname-names for boys, whether they be traditional or contemporary. Even common surnames have become popular first names in recent years. One example is Walker.

Walker comes from the English surname with the obvious meaning "to walk." It was first given to men who walked on wool for cleaning and thickening during the Middle Ages. Like many surname-names, Walker went on to become a masculine first name in the sixteenth century.

Walker sounds contemporary, but it actually enjoyed moderate popularity during the 1880s and 1890s. It mostly hovered in the 300s around the time. Afterward, Walker declined until leaving the top 1000 in 1956. It returned to the charts in the 1980s and has been rising since then. Perhaps Walker rose faster than ever over the last three years, moving from the high 200s in 2020 to the top 100 in 2022.

As a surname, Walker brings many bearers to mind. One example is American writer Alice Walker. However, it has also associated itself with famous people as a first name. One such namesake is American photographer Walker Evans (1903-1975).

Since Walker is popular nowhere else in the world, the name is all-American. It is also rustic via the 1990s television series Walker, Texas Ranger, which follows the titular ranger of Cordell Walker. 


Rustic, Surname


Everly, Willa, Scarlett, Annabel, Piper, Harlow, Ivy, Raelynn


Brooks, Harlan, Porter, Levi, Easton, Truman, Rhett, Maverick


Beckett, Colter, Ranger, Turner, Walden, Watson, Wilson, Winslow


"Walker." Names, Behind the Name, 13 Jun. 2019, https://www.behindthename.com/name/walker. 

"Walker." Names, Nameberry, 2023, https://nameberry.com/babyname/walker/boy. 

What do you think about Walker?


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