
William has been a masculine favorite for centuries. It has a few feminine equivalents. One such equivalent is Wilhelmina, which shortens to Willa. 

While Willa began as a diminutive of Wilhelmina, many naming sites simply describe it as the feminine form of William. It is not quite clear when Willa began as a given name. However, there were two notable bearers from the Middle Ages. These include Frankish Queen Willa of Province and Italian Queen Willa of Tuscany. These associations make Willa regal, even if it doesn't quite feel that way. 

As a feminization of William, Willa could also be classic, right? Well, the name's history between the Middle Ages and Victorian Era is unknown. Even after it entered use among English-speakers in the nineteenth century, it never got common. Long form Wilhelmina was more common, though. Besides, as stated above, Willa has regal associations. Yet, since most of its use occurred in the early twentieth century when Willa Cather wrote her pioneer-themed books, the name feels more vintage than classic. 

Interestingly, Willa only ranks in the United States. It was consistently in the charts through the early 1960s and re-entered in 2010. Willa might sound old-fashioned via Willa Cather, but it was never popular enough to feel dated. This makes Willa a part of the name group Eleanor Nickerson of British Baby Names refers to as "ripe renovations." These are names that sound vintage, but aren't quite so. 

Parents looking for a cute alternative to old-fashioned liquid names like Cora and Stella or to honor a William should consider Willa. Besides, Willa has connections to children's media via Willa Jean from Beverly Cleary's Ramona books and the TV shows "Willa's Wild Life". 



Daphne, Thea, Belle, Iris, Gemma, Olive, Margot, Ada 


August, Ezra, Jasper, Truman, Percy, Mack, Linus, Walker


Billie, Calla, Della, Nellie, Nola, Pippa, Twyla, Winnie


Nickerson, Eleanor. "Ripe Renovations." Name Lists, British Baby Names, 7 Sept. 2014, https://www.britishbabynames.com/blog/2014/07/ripe-renovations.html. 

"Willa." Names, Behind the Name, 11 Oct. 2012, https://www.behindthename.com/name/willa. 

"Willa." Names, Nameberry, 2023, https://nameberry.com/babyname/willa.

What do you think of Willa?


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