
The Greek god Apollo had two sons. One was killed in a contest while the other invented rhythm and melody. He even taught music to the god Herakles. These sons had the same name: Linus. 

Not only does Linus come from Greek mythology, but it also originates from the Greek Linos, meaning "flax." The name has associated itself with a saint during antiquity as well. St. Linus succeeded St. Peter as a pope. 

Not much is known about the name's usage between antiquity and the Victorian Era. In the United States, Linus first ranked in 1882. It ranked 15 more times until 1940 while never making the top 600. American chemist Linus Pauling (1901-1994) was born during that time. After the name stopped ranking, Charles Schulz (1922-2000) created his famous Peanuts character with the blanket, Linus Van Pelt. 

The name has recently been popular in Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. Linus also currently ranks in the German top 50. 

The name has been tied to the Peanuts character with the blue blanket for decades. Yet, Linus has a style of its own; it is mythological, exotic, and saintly. 


Lino, Linos


Exotic, Mythological, Saintly


Astrid, Beatrix, Freya, Imogen, Lilith, Maris, Ophelia, Thea


Bruno, Casper, Hugo, Jules, Maxim, Orion, Phineas, Soren 


Angus, Cyrus, Hiram, Lionel, Lyle, Lysander, Magnus, Wiley


"Linus." Names, Behind the Name, 7 Dec. 2022, Accessed 28 Feb. 2023. 

"Linus." Baby Boy Names, Nameberry, 2023, Accessed 28 Feb. 2023. 

What do you think about Linus?


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