
The release of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind brought Scarlett, which was once a surname, to attention as a given feminine name. However, the novel also popularized a male equivalent with a similar backstory. 

Rhett is the Anglicized form of the Medieval Dutch surname de Raedt, which means "advice". The surname was also first used in the Netherlands. It makes sense considering its Dutch origins.

Rhett has only been used in the United States so far. It was used in small numbers from 1917. As of 1937, the year after Gone with the Wind was published, Rhett's usage became more regular. Yet, Rhett did not reach the top 1000 until 1955. It hovered below the top 500 until the 2010s, when it started to rise. Rhett now ranks in the 100s and could break the top 100 this decade. 

Rhett has the style of its feminine counterpart. It is a surname-name that feels more like a first name thanks to Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. It also has a rustic feel and a moderate history of use. 

As with Scarlett, some people wouldn't be sure if Rhett counts as traditional or contemporary. Those who consider traditional names to be at least a century old might hesitate to use Rhett. If parents define traditional to be reminiscent of anything from earlier generations, though, Rhett would qualify. Because of these mixed views, Rhett is a transparent name that can split the difference between traditional and contemporary names. 



Faith, Piper, Emerson, Noelle, Collins, Hadley, Scout, Macy


Ryder, Truman, Brooks, Holden, Cash, Grady, Maverick, Levi


Clint, Colt, Huck, Kit, Rand, Roark, Royce, Trace


"Rhett." Names, Behind the Name, 16 Nov. 2019, https://www.behindthename.com/name/rhett. Accessed 30 Apr. 2023.

"Tag: Rhett." Boy Names, Nancy's Baby Names, 2022, https://www.nancy.cc/baby-name/rhett/. Accessed 30 Apr. 2023. 

What do you think about Rhett? 


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