Notable Girls' Top 1000 Falls 2023

I recently discussed notable rises within the girls' top 1000 names. Now I move on to the notable falls. 

While many names entered and rose within the top 1000 in 2023, there are also a lot of names that declined or dropped off of the charts. Here are five new entries and five movements within that serve as examples:



This spelling has become the last to drop out of the top 1000, cementing Casey (and Kacy, Kacie, etc.) as a name of the previous generation. 


Before Disney's Frozen, Elsa was an under-used classic. Its first departure from the top 1000 implies Frozen ruined the name for many parents-the movie is everywhere and overly-merchandised, after all.


This controversial place name has ranked on-and-off within the fringes for over a decade. Since people have become more cautious within the past few years, India might be gone for good.


A hit during the 2000s, Jada fell out of the top 1000 after ranking most years since 1969. Alternate spelling Jayda also dropped out of the top 1000, cementing the name as dated.


This old-fashioned name, having ranked since 1886, has departed the top 1000 after decades of decline. Since Joyce peaked in the 1930s, though, it could soon reverse course. 



Long-time favorite Alexandra has fallen from #190 to #204, its lowest place since 1981. No matter how far it falls, though, Alexandra will always sound more timeless than Alexa or Alexis. 


This name has hovered right outside the top 100 for over a decade, moving in and out a few times. Since Brielle has fallen to #134, its lowest place since 2011, the name is clearly starting its decline. 


This 2000s name has fallen out of the top 200 and, at #207, to its lowest point since 1993. As long as it continues, Kylie's decline will prove the name's datedness.


This name, a hit throughout the last 2000s and 2010s, has fallen to its lowest point since 2004: #142. Alternate spelling Payton also fell to #310, its lowest spot since 1996. Their falls could cement these spellings as dated, but they sound less trendy than Hailey or Taylor.


Taylor Swift may be hot right now, but her name is not; it fell to #261, its lowest point since 1985. Like Kylie, Taylor's continuous decline is suggesting its dated status. 

What do you think about these falls? Do any surprise you?


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