Names Inspired by Luna

Before Luna Lovegood debuted in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, nobody thought this celestial, mythological name would ever become popular. It became a top 1000 name in 2003, the year the second Harry Potter film came out, and rose into the top 100 in 2016 under the influence of Lovegood. Luna has even been a top 10 name since 2022.

How did a name that once sounded so unique become overly popular? Luna has an indirect but clear nature association (in this case, being the night sky) that ties into Roman mythology (she was the moon goddess). Its connections to the moon and the Harry Potter series also give Luna a dark fantasy vibe. It spans international usage and has a smooth and sweet sound as well. 

This list of alternatives, all outside the top 100, will especially appeal to parents who find Luna too popular. However, those seeking sibling names or casual name nerds will also enjoy this. 

Here are some names that capture parts of Luna's appeal:


Like longer form Aurora, Aura has celestial connections through its Greek meaning of "breeze." Plus, it has a dark vibe as the Greek goddess was turned into a fountain. It spans international usage and has a smooth, sweet sound as well. 


This Yiddish liquid name sharing Luna "oo" sound has a similar indirect nature tie through its meaning of "flower." 


Spelled Clio, this name has mythological ties. Even with this standard spelling, though, Cleo has Luna's liquid sound and spans some international usage.


Daphne's "laurel" meaning ties into Greek mythology regarding a nymph turned into the tree to escape the pursuit of Apollo. It has some use beyond the English world, such as in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands as well. 


Esme spans use in several European languages and has a dark fantasy vibe from vampire Esme Cullen in the Twilight series. It can also be short for "emerald," giving it a slight nature tie. 


This smooth flower name from Roman mythology spans a similar level of international usage as Luna. 


Smooth and sweet Halo connects to the rings above angels, but it also has dark connotations via a violent video game. 


Short and smooth Ione was a sea nymph in Greek mythology despite its meaning of "violet." 


Juno is a four-letter mythological name with the same middle sound as Luna. This also inspired the month of June and connects to a space probe orbiting Jupiter. 


The name of the iconic princess in Star Wars, Leia has a similar fantastical vibe as Luna. It also has a smooth sound and international usage. 


Nickname-like Leni has the same smooth "n" sound and spans international usage. 


This smooth name, meaning "night," was Adam's first wife in Jewish folklore. It also belongs to a demonic character in Case 39 as well as a witch in the animated Disney series The Owl House


Linnea associates itself with a flower named for the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. It is not surprising, then, that this smooth name is predominant in Scandinavia while perfectly working here. 


Finnish Lumi means "snow" alongside having the same liquid sound as Luna. 


Lyra is another liquid four-letter "l" name with a celestial tie (a constellation). It also has some fantasy ties, including a character in the movie The Golden Compass.


This smooth Sanskrit name, surprisingly meaning "ocean," travels languages seamlessly. It also belonged to a sixteenth-century Indian princess who devoted her life to Krishna. 


Sweet Nina, also spanning international usage, ends in the same smooth suffix as Luna. 


This name not only means "night" in Greek, but it belonged to the Greek goddess of the night. Nyx appears in fantasy franchises such as the Final Fantasy video game series as well.


This four-letter name is also the mother of Zeus and Hera in Greek mythology and a moon of Saturn. 


Welsh Rowena has a fuss-free sound but associates with the founder of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series and means "white spear," giving it the same dark academia vibe. 


This name, belonging to a bitter medicinal herb and possibly meaning "regret," has a similar dark vibe as Luna. Rue also belongs to a character in the violent The Hunger Games series.


Selene, also meaning "moon," is Luna's Greek mythology equivalent. It is used in various European languages and has a smooth sound as well. 


Twila is obviously short for "twilight," giving it a similar dark celestial vibe as Luna. It also has a smooth sound and a similar history as Luna, barely hitting the top 500 nearly a century ago.


The second planet was named for the Roman goddess of beauty. Venus also has a dark side via the Venus flytrap. Its "n" brings it closer to Luna as well. 

Which alternatives would you add?


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