
For Broadway musical fans, Show Boat became the first show with an integrated black cast in the late 1920s. Like many Golden Age musicals, it was a "show within a show"; the actor performing in many of these shows was the protagonist: the sailor's daughter Magnolia "Nolie" Hawks.

Magnolia, of course, did not begin its history with Show Boat. It began as a flower named for botanist Pierre Magnol. As a first name, Magnolia emerged as part of the Victorian trend for nature names. 

During its run, Magnolia was never popular. It ranked most years between 1880 and 1940, only peaking in the 400s in 1909. Since Edna Ferber first wrote the book that inspired Show Boat in 1926, the musical had no influence on Magnolia's usage. Why, then, does Magnolia sound slightly old-fashioned? It might have to do with the "ol-a" sound that was common during the 1800s and early 1900s: think Lola, Nola, Leola. 

Or else, it could be the flower's association with the American South. Magnolia might've been more popular among Southerners during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Yet, what about contemporary flower names like Azalea, Dahlia, and Linnea? Well, none of these flowers have strong American ties.

Regardless, Magnolia fell out of the top 1000 in 1941. As part of our vintage revival trend, Magnolia returned to the top 1000 in 2013 and has risen rapidly since then. It has been a top 200 name since 2020.

Since Magnolia dropped from #140 to #151 in 2022, it is uncertain whether this name will make the top 100. Modern influences include the 2020 TV series Sweet Magnolias and Magnolia Network, which is owned by Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper. Both are still running, so Magnolia could continue its rise towards the top.

Either way, Magnolia makes for a gently vintage flower name that easily brings to mind the American South. It is also an unconventional way to get to "Maggie."



Felicity, Clementine, Arabella, Scarlett, Emerald, Penelope, Lavinia, Juniper


Harlan, August, Richmond, Everett, Jasper, Duke, Montgomery, Sterling


Alethea, Azalea, Dahlia, Marigold, Maybelle, Petunia, Sedona, Winona


"Magnolia." Names, Behind the Name, 11 Oct. 2012,

Sandel, Abby. "Magnolia: Baby Name of the Day." Appellation Mountain, 17 Jul. 2014, 

What do you think about Magnolia?


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