
Stella has been among the 100 most popular girls' names for over a decade. There are alternatives out there with similar roots. One of them is the French Estelle.

Estelle comes from the Old French word meaning "star," which itself is from the Latin "stella." See how Estelle and Stella have the same origins? Of course, that does not mean they have the same stories. Stella was popular a century ago and is so again today. Estelle is vintage in a different way.

The Normans first brought this name to England during the Medieval Conquest. However, the name did not enter common use until the Victorian Era. Estella Havisham from Charles Dickens's Great Expectations probably had an impact. While the name was mostly used in the United States, American parents may have taken inspiration from such British novels.

Estelle was in the American top 200 through the 1920s while never ranking in the top 100. After leaving the top 1000 in 2016, Estelle returned in 2012 and has risen slowly since. The name is also now used in England and Canada along with foreign language nations like Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. 

Overall, Estelle is vintage, French, and elegant. While the name is not a classic itself, it will appeal to lovers of timeless French names Charlotte and Louise. For those seeking alternatives to Stella, though, Estelle checks all the boxes. 


Essie, Esti


Estella, Stella


Elegant, French, Vintage


Alma, Clarice, Florence, Ida, Lenore, Marguerite, Pearl, Rosalie


Basil, Claude, Earl, Harris, Jules, Luther, Truman, Wallace


Axelle, Cecile, Cosette, Delphine, Emmanuelle, Eugenie, Justine, Odette

What do you think about Estelle?


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