
In the second summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, Disney Pixar released its newest hit on Disney Plus. That movie was about a sea monster who becomes a human upon reaching the land. He then makes a few friends and participates in a bicycling contest. That sea monster is the titular character of the movie, Luca.

Luca was the fastest rising name of 2021 thanks to the Disney Pixar movie. Yet, of course, Luca has been a given name long before the movie came out.

Luca is the Italian form of Lucas, which itself is a form of Lucanius, meaning "light". The name has seen centuries of use in Italy. One famous historical bearer was Renaissance sculptor Luca della Robbia. Besides, according to, Luca ranked #22 in 1427 Italy. 

In the United States, though, Luca is relatively novel. It was not even used at all before the 1960s. Luca then entered the top 1000 in 2000 and the top 100 19 years later. As it has been previously described, Luca was the fastest rising name of 2021. It recently jumped from #67 to #42. The Disney Pixar movie was not the only reason for that rise. Lucas and Luke have been in the top 100 for a while, allowing Luca to easily fit in.

Luca is popular in all other English-speaking nations. It even reached the top 10 in New Zealand. It is in use in several other languages, including Austrian and Spanish, as well. 

Luca will appeal to parents looking for something short and sweet as well as a fresh alternative to Lucas and Luke. It will, of course, win the hearts of Italian parents, too. 


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What do you think about Luca?


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