
We all know the fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In the story, Goldilocks eats the porridge, sits on the chair, and sleeps on the bed that is "just right." These all happened to belong to Baby Bear. 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears originated from the nineteenth century. However, the name Goldie did not originate from the fairy tale. It is a diminutive of the Yiddish name Golda, which means "gold". Golda, itself, came from the Germanic name Golde. Besides, Goldie's literary pedigree is not limited to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Golde was Tevye's wife in the Russian musical Fiddler on the Roof.

Goldie has been used in England since the Middle Ages. It later ranked in the American top 1000 through 1957. Goldie was also a top 200 name from 1884 to 1920. Goldie then retired from fashion. Goldie is now starting to make a comeback, re-entering the top 1000 in 2021 in the 800s. 

Goldie can work as a nickname for longer names like Marigold. Yet, it also feels complete on its own. With references to literature the color gold, Goldie can fit in with both Alice and Scarlett.


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What do you think about Goldie?


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