Dated Names

A topic frequently debated in the naming world is what dates a name. Is just being popular enough to date a name to its era? Can names date even if they never become popular?

The definition of a dated name varies. However, on Patches of Names, a dated name usually has at least one of the following qualities:

  • A dramatic rise in use 
  • Newfangled popularity
  • Mix-and-match sound (i.e. Jayden and Hayden)
  • Strong celebrity and/or pop culture association
  • Ashley skyrocketed from #34 in 1981 to #4 just two years later, pinning it to the 1980s. Ashley has been out of the top 100 since 2016. 
  • Chad soared from #51 in 1970 to #29 in 1971. The name has since fallen out of the top 1000. 
  • Darren skyrocketed from #127 in 1964 to #52 in 1965. Darren feels dated to the 1960s and has been out of the top 100 since the early 1970s. 
  • Heather skyrocketed from ranking outside the top 100 in 1965 to its peak at #3 in 1975. A 1980s film entitled The Heathers also dates the name. Heather has since dropped out of the top 1000. 
  • Randy shot up the charts until it peaked in the 1950s. It was common both on its own and probably as a nickname for something longer like Randall. Randy is now heading out of the top 1000. 
  • Stephanie didn't rise that dramatically in use, but it was still newly popular during its reign. Stephanie's "anee" ending makes it feel dated.
These names are still in the top 100, but they're starting to feel dated:
  • Addison
  • Aiden
  • Hailey
  • Jace
  • Jordan
  • Kayden
  • Madison
  • Nevaeh
What makes a name dated to you?


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