Blog Changes for 2022

Now that a new year has started, I want to discuss my goals for this blog in 2022. These goals regard the content and organization of my posts.

Goal #1: Universal Audience

Lots of people who never had kids love names. I'm one of these people. Yet, few websites are designed for name lovers beyond expectant parents. Well, there's Behind The Name and Namerology, but that's about it. 

This being said, I want this blog to be for anyone who loves names. This blog is not just for parents even though they might find my posts helpful. Hence, I avoid using the term "baby name" and, instead, simply use the terms "name", "given name", or "first name." Regarding my titles, I have been using "Names Inspired by" instead of "Alternatives to". I also use the term "similar girls'/boys' names" instead of "sister/brother name ideas" in my individual name posts so that my readers will find more names that they like. Parents or not, most of us like at least a few names. These names are often similar in style. 

I also write about topics that will interest name lovers in general. These include individual name posts, name trends, top 100 name lists, names from the media, similar name lists, and possibly even real-life sibling names. Those who love sibling names, like me, would love these posts. 

Goal #2: Increased Access

I don't know how many readers my blog has at the moment. Regardless, I will add images to as many posts as possible so that I can increase access to them. Pictures on Google lead to websites, thus increasing views. 

Overall, I want Patches of Names to be a place where all name lovers can learn about names in a way that is even useful to those who aren't parents. I hope you stick along this year and enjoy all my upcoming posts. 


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