
The twenty-first century is the age for creative names. For boys, Kylo is one such prototype. It sounds like a mix of Kyle and Milo. However, that's not the full picture. 

Kylo's origins aren't exactly clear. suggests it possibly derived from the Latin Caelum, meaning "sky". Abby Sandel on Appellation Mountain claims it came from similar-sounding surnames like Keilo and Kilo. 

Despite the name's unclear origins, it is certain that the Star Wars franchise launched the name. Kylo Ren, who was born Ben, was the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia. 

The Star Wars franchise began in 1977. Two years later, Kylo first appeared in the naming data. However, Kylo did not enter consistent use until this past decade. It went from being given to just eight boys in 2014 to the top 1000 in 2016. Kylo now ranks around the top 450. It also rising in England.

This being said, Kylo is becoming a huge hit among parents, whether they love Star Wars or simply like the name's sound. Since it has almost no history before the 2010s and has been rising dramatically, though, there's a chance Kylo will date to the 2020s. Parents who don't want a trendy name should consider something else instead. 


Compact, Fantastical


Arya, Khaleesi, Vesper, Nova, Rue, Harley, Juno, Phoenix


Dash, Titus, Finnick, Quill, Neo, Axel, Orion, Killian


Cyan, Draco, Kahlo, Kage, Koda, Kratos, Lando, Loki


"Kylo." Names, Behind the Name, 9 Jun. 2023, 

Sandel, Abby. "Kylo: Baby Name of the Day." Appellation Mountain, 24 May 2017,

What do you think about Kylo? Do you think it's going to date?


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