
There's classic Lucy, a cute full name that has been used consistently for centuries. Just replace the "c" with an "l", and you get nickname-name Lulie. 

According to Nameberry, Lulie was possibly a short form of classic Louise, which means "renowned warrior." It could also be a short form for other "lu" names like Lucille, though. 

All that is known about Lulie's usage, though, is that it was used in nineteenth century America. It was a time for nickname-names as Annie, Hattie, Bessie, and company ranked in the top 100. While it explains Lulie's usage, it was never a popular name at all. Perhaps it only ranked five times during the 1880s. By the 1940s, Lulie died out. This makes Lulie a long-lost rarity even though it was given to at least five girls as recently as 2018. 

Despite this, Lulie has a vintage sound. That's probably because similar-sounding Lula was in the top 100 back in the day. It also mixes the sounds of cute and classic Julie and Lucy, making it an alternative to both of these names. 

The only issue people would have with Lulie is that it wouldn't age well. The truth is that several names age better than we think. These include nicknames. I have heard of a real estate agent named Molly, for instance. If Molly and Sadie grow up well, why not Lulie? Besides, unlike Hattie and Lottie, Lulie feels complete as there is no single formal name commonly associated with it. Yet, parents who prefer it as a nickname should consider Luella or Lucille. 




Dessa, Indie, Lotta, Annis, Minta, Junie, Starr, Tressie


Cleve, Myer, Hughie, Dolphus, Lem, Rollo, Ossie, Zeb


Bluebell, Celie, Delphi, Indu, Lowri, Lucasta, Malou, Nuray


Waterhouse, Emma. "Lulie." Names, Nameberry, 9 Sept. 2023,,Luna%2C%20Lucy%2C%20and%20Lula. 

What do you think about Lulie? Do you think it should be used again?


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