
In ancient times, names ending in "us" had feminine equivalents ending in "a", even if they were family names. That was the case for Drusilla, a feminine form of Drusus. Drusilla itself was in use back in the day, as in Livia Drusilla, the wife of Augustus. Yet, as a first name it dates from the New Testament of the Bible. The Biblical Drusilla was the wife of Felix. 

During the Victorian Era, Drusilla was briefly popular in England. Yet in America it was always rare. It ranked most years before 1915, yet never reached the top 600. 

Drusilla isn't just highly unusual. It's also Gothic. A recent Drusilla was a character from the late 1990s and early 2000s TV show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." That Drusilla went by the boyish nickname "Dru". Young girls with the name can go by the same nickname. 

Drusilla will appeal to parents after a name with a Gothic vibe and and old-fashioned sound. It will also appeal to parents after an elaborate name mixing Biblical and Classical roots. 


Aurelia, Beatrix, Damaris, Isannah, Jezebel, Lavinia, Minerva, Persephone, Scarlett, Winifred


Bartholomew, Cornelius, Evander, Horatio, Japheth, Lazarus, Nicodemus, Raphael, Simeon, Zachariah

What do you think about Drusilla?


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