Upcoming Revival Names

The 2010s was a golden era for revival names-think Ruby and Cora. Now we look ahead to names that will return to the top 100 during this decade. 


Ada (#209)-Ada, a sister for Cora and an alternative to Emma, has risen quickly during the last two years. Ada fits in with minimalistic three-letter names like Mia and Zoe. The double-"a" pattern is also stylish. Ada was last popular in the early 1910s and will most likely be back within the next few years.

Eliza (#119)-Eliza hasn't topped the charts since the 1880s. Yet, thanks to the popular musical "Hamilton", Eliza will finally return in the 2020s. Eliza fits in with all the "el" names of this day, like Eleanor and Elena, and has the stylish "z" sound of the also old-fashioned name Hazel.

Elsie (#247)-Elsie is another "el" name that's due to be revived in the 2020s. Elsie was in the top 100 until the early 1930s and is clearly making its way back to the top. Elsie also fits in with old-fashioned nickname names like Sadie. 

Esther (#167)-Unfortunately, Esther had a huge drop last year. Yet, as a popular name through the mid-1930s, Esther is due to be back very soon. Esther means "star", like the also old-fashioned Stella. Esther isn't just old-fashioned in sound, but it also qualifies as a timeless classic. Esther had a lot of bearers throughout history. 

Genevieve (#168)-Long names for girls are big these days, like Penelope and Josephine. Genevieve fits right in. Genevieve, which topped the charts from the late 1900s to the early 1920s, is also nickname-rich. Genevieve's many nicknames include "Genny", making it an update for Jennifer. It's mid-"v" sound is also stylish. 

Georgia (#205)-This southern name was popular through the early 1910s. It has the "or-a" pattern of revival names Nora and Cora, which were revived in the 2010s. Georgia has risen steadily over the years and might finally return to the top 100 during the 2020s. 

June (#201)-This was popular later than May, but June is also coming back sooner. Yes, June was in the top 100 from 1915 to 1941. June, currently at #201, isn't far away from the top 100 anymore. The related but more contemporary Juniper is also on the rise. 

Olive (#213)-Olive is an old-fashioned colorful nature name like Hazel and Ruby. Olive is also a less-popular alternative to chart-topper Olivia. After being stuck in the lower 200s, Olive has finally risen to #213. Having left the top 100 in the early 20th century, this antique name is reaching its comeback goal.

Rose (#115)-Rose, like Olive, is a nature name. It's also a timeless classic that's less ordinary than Anne or Jane. Related names like Rosalie are also on the rise, so I wouldn't be surprised if Rose is back in the top 100 within the next few years. Rose hasn't been there since the early 1960s.

Vera (#252)-Vera rhymes with Clara and starts with the "v" of Violet and Vivian. This being said, Vera shares a lot in common with current revival names. Before long, Vera will be a revival name itself. Vera was in the top 100 from the 1890s through the 1920s. 


Arthur (#178)-This timeless classic was popular through the 1960s. Arthur is now back in the top 200, so it could very well return to the top 100 within the next ten years. Arthur can be a less-popular alternative to popular classics like Andrew and Henry.

August (#167)-In terms of month names, June is coming back for the girls and August for the boys. Yes, August was in the top 100 through the 1880s. August is now in the top 200, so it's sure to return to the top 100 during the 2020s. August also shortens to "Auggie" or the friendly "Gus".

Charlie (#211)-Charles has never gone away. Just Charlie, though, hasn't been in popular use since the mid-1930s. Charlie is now making a slow, but sure comeback. Charlie, as a girls' name, is also on the rise. I wouldn't be surprised to be Charlie in both the boys' and girls' top 100 lists in 2029. 

Dean (#174)-Dean is a retro name, having been popular from the late 1950s through the early 1960s. Dean is making an early revival, too. It increased in rank from its low point of #384 in 2006 to #174 in 2019. Parents finding John and James too common can, for now, use Dean instead.

Leon (#209)-Leon was a top 100 name from the late 1880s through the early 1940s. As Leo with an "n", Leon is almost back in the top 100. Leon is sitting just outside the top 200, so it doesn't have that long to go to become a revival name. 

Louis (#248)-Louis was last popular in the late 1950s. After an absence of more than 60 years, Louis could finally return to the top 100 in the 2020s. Louis sounds like a less-popular alternative to Lucas as well as a brother for Henry and James. Louis is also the name of a British prince who was born in 2018. 

Which of these names are you most excited for to make a comeback?


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