Top 100 History: Girls' 1950s

Today I continue my Top 100 History series. We are now well into the Baby Boomer era.

Left: Rosemary, Geraldine, Charlene, Lynda
Entered: Joann, Irene, Denise, Debra


Left: Joann, Irene, Sue
Entered: Valerie, Julie, Vickie


Left: Anna
Entered: Rhonda


Left: Sylvia, Glenda, Eileen, Dianne
Entered: Cindy, Anna, Leslie, Robin


Left: Roberta, Sarah, Anna, Lois, Evelyn, Constance, Jeanne, Charlotte
Entered: Terri, Laurie, Wendy, Michelle, Debbie, Michele, Terry, Lisa


Left: Doris, Marsha
Entered: Lori, Kim


Left: Maureen, Leslie, Sally, Frances, Marcia
Entered: Jennifer, Angela, Dawn, Tina, Kimberly


Left: Wendy, Suzanne, Alice
Entered: Jill, Annette, Leslie


Left: Elaine, Marie, Victoria
Entered: Amy, Beth, Tammy


Left: Phyllis, Helen, Marilyn, Jacqueline, Jo
Entered: Renee, Anna, Suzanne, Wendy, Kelly


  • Denise, Debra, Valerie, Julie, Vickie, Rhonda, Cindy, Leslie, Robin, Terri, Laurie, Wendy, Michelle, Debbie, Michele, Terry, Lisa, Lori, Kim, Jennifer, Angela, Dawn, Tina, Kimberly, Jill, Annette, Amy, Beth, Tammy, Renee, and Kelly became popular for the first time. 
  • Rosemary, Geraldine, Charlene, Lynda, Joann, Sue, Sylvia, Glenda, Eileen, Dianne, Roberta, Sarah, Anna, Lois, Evelyn, Constance, Jeanne, Charlotte, Doris, Marsha, Maureen, Sally, Frances, Marcia, Alice, Elaine, Marie, Victoria, Phyllis, Helen, Marilyn, Jacqueline, and Jo left the top 100.
  • Irene returned to the top before leaving again.
  • Lisa, Debra, Deborah, Donna, Karen, and Cynthia entered the top 10.
  • Barbara, Sharon, Sandra, Carol, Kathleen, and Nancy left the top 10. 
  • Pamela, Cheryl, Debbie, and Kathy entered the top 20. 
  • Carol, Judy, Carolyn, and Kathleen left the top 20. 
  • Janet returned to the top 20 before leaving again.
  • Teresa, Julie, Lori, Denise, Tammy, Robin, Terri, Michelle, Kimberly, Cathy, Rhonda, Kim, and Cindy entered the top 50. 
  • Laura re-entered the top 50. 
  • Beverly, Jean, Gloria, Dorothy, Ruth, Peggy, Shirley, Joan, Darlene, Bonnie, Judith, and Betty left the top 50.

  • A new wave of nicknames, regardless of ending, became common (Debbie, Vickie, Cindy, Terri, Laurie, Terry, Lori).
  • Shorter names were preferred over longer ones again (Debra, Julie, Cindy, Kim, Lisa, Jill, Tina, etc.)
  • French names no longer trended (Geraldine, Jeanne, Charlotte, Marie).
  • Names ending in "da" still trended (Linda, Brenda, Rhonda, Wanda).
  • Two-syllable "D" names were in style (Debbie, Debra, Denise, Donna, Diane).
  • Names ending in "is" stopped trending (Phyllis, Doris, Alice, Frances).
  • Names ending in "een" were falling from favor (Eileen, Charlene, Maureen).
  • Names containing "or" continued to decline (Doris, Victoria).
  • Single-syllable "j" names were falling from favor (Jo).
  • Names with the "sh" sound declined (Charlotte, Marsha, Charlene).
  • The Spanish name decline paused (Anita, Rita).
  • Two-syllable "l" names became common as well (Lisa, Laurie, Leslie, Lori, Linda, Laura).
What was the most interesting change from the top 100 of the 1950s?


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