
Showing posts from December, 2023

Two Names that Made 2023

With 2023 drawing to a close, here are two names that defined 2023 according to pop culture trends and/or real-life events: Aire Kylie Jenner initially named her son Wolf, but renamed him Aire in January of this year. The brief and breezy word name could set the standard for future trends, especially with names like Brooks and River in popular use. Barbie The Barbie movie became a global sensation upon its release and brought the brand's history into the spotlight. Not only is the franchise expanding its audience, but, according to Laura Wattenberg on Namerology, the "Hey Barbie" calling reminds us of the unity that common names provide.  FURTHER RESOURCES: Schmidt, Audrey. "All About Aire Webster, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's 1-Year-Old Son." Entertainment , People, 21 Dec. 2023,  Wattenberg, Laura. "The 2023 Name of the Year is, of Course, Barbie." Articles , Name...

Biblical Boys' Names

In Biblical times, names were often given to reflect circumstances. It still happens today, but parents more often select names from ancient sources, including the Bible itself. There are several boys' names featured in the Bible, especially since there are much more male figures than female. To count, a name must be easy to pronounce and spell, sound usable, and associate strongly with at least one prominent figure. Place names do not count. Here are some historical boys' names from the Bible: Aaron Abel Abijah Abner Abram Abraham Absalom Adam Aeneas Amos Asa Balthazar Barnabas Bartholomew Benaiah Benjamin Boaz Caleb Caanan Cephas Cyrus Daniel David Ebenezer Elam Eleazar Eli Elijah Elisha Emmanuel Enoch Enos Ephraim Esau Ezekiel Ezra Gabriel Gideon Gilead Herod Hezekiah Hiram Hosea Isaac Isaiah Ishmael Jabez Jacob James Japheth Jedidiah Jeremiah Joah Jonah Joseph Joshua Josiah Judah Jude Justus Laban Lazarus Levi Luke Mahlon Malachi Mark Matan Matthew Micah Micaiah Michael Mor...

Biblical Girls' Names

Most people's names come from sources, whether it be ancient mythology, literature, or the most influential book in history: the Bible. There are several names mentioned in the Bible, but only those associated with one prominent character and with complete usability will count. For instance, there are too many Marys in the Bible for the name to count. Place and word names in the Bible, such as Shiloh, will not count either. Here are some Biblical girls' names that will especially appeal to Christians: Abigail Adah Bathsheba Deborah Delilah Dinah Esther Eve Hagar Hannah Jael Jezebel Keturah Leah Magdalene Martha Miriam Naomi Peninnah Rachel Rahab Rebekah Ruth Sarah Tamar Tirzah Zillah What names would you add?